Weekly Photo Challenge: Today

It’s 19:00 hours (7:00 pm) here in the UK and I’ve managed to get my photograph taken today easily enough. But did you guys in WordPress think about international time-zones. I received my email at 17:01 (5:01 pm)which meant that for someone in Moscow it would be 20:01 (8:01 pm), one minute past midnight in Perth, Western Australia – uh oh, they’ve already missed the deadline and hey so has Fiji because it was 02:01 there.

Anyway here’s my photograph, taken in my back garden with a little Point and Shoot camera, ideal for this situation, instead of using my DSLR. There’s not really much to say about it.  The sun was shining, as you can see, the bee has settled on the leaf, it’s not aggressive because it let me get the camera no more than about 3inches away from it, in fact you could almost say it was sunbathing.

That’s it from me, but if you weren’t happy with the deadline for taking the photograph leave a comment.

Update: Thanks to Steve Ransome for correcting me. This isn’t a bee, it’s a Hoverfly called Eristalis pertinax.

Steve has a great collection of wildlife photographs on Flickr. Check out his photostream

The Eristalis pertinax is a European hoverfly, also known as the drone fly. Like Eristalis tenax, the larva of E. pertinax is a rat-tailed maggot and lives in drainage ditches, pools around manure piles, sewage, and similar places containing water badly polluted with organic matter.

30 replies to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Today

  1. Hi Mike…I hope I am not too late. This is in fact a Hover-Fly. A male Eristalix pertenax. Google it and that will confirm. All the best. I can delete this post when you have edited it. Cheers.


  2. You’ll have to bow lower than that Mike!!! he he. It’s a pleasure Mike both to visit and comment on your work and I knew you’d not take offence at a small correction. The photo title itself still say “Busy Bee” Thanks Mike and thank you for the link to my own efforts on Flickr.


  3. Love the photo of the bee-like creature, whatever it may be called. As to the deadline – no matter where you are, when you get the challenge, it is “today”, which is after yesterday and before tomorrow 🙂


    1. It’s a great little camera. A little Samsung PL11. Most of the time I keep it on Auto and if I get really close to anything it switches to macro mode automatically. Beats carrying my heavy DSLR around some times


  4. Oh my gosh, this is an amazing photograph! Great capture and great eye. Good point as well about the timezones. I just thought of being very zen-like about it and post the photo I got that day, whatever that day was. Hahaha. Not existential in the least. 🙂


  5. I’ve taken quite a few photos of the hoverfly simply because they will sit still long enough to get in close!


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