Holiday Time – Again

I’m off again for a week, doing a bit of photography and generally relaxing. One of the great things about taking early retirement is I can please myself what I do and when I do it. I wish….

This time I’m going to the Yorkshire Dales, a beautiful part of the country, with a rich history and hopefully plenty of photo opportunities.

Meanwhile I’ve got to try to write entries for the Weekly Photo Challenge and the Flickr Group 52/2013 challenge.


4 replies to “Holiday Time – Again

  1. Mike, I’m glad that you can enjoy doing what you do best.

    I’m thinking that the Yorkshire Dales is here the vet James Herriot lived and wrote all those wonderful stories. Also, I believe that his son is a practicing veterinarian still living in that area although maybe he doesn’t. Anyhow, I learned to love the beauty of the dales simply by reading what Herriot (Alf Wight real name) hs written about his beloved country and its charming people.

    I hope you have a memorable and enjoyable vacation.


    1. Hi Yvonne, I have another story about Alf Wight. When his parents lived in Glasgow, my home town, they lived about 500 yards away from my grand-parents.


      1. Oh how nice. Small world as they say. Maybe you’ll be going to the site of his clinic in the Dales. I’ve not read much of his son or where he practices. I reckon no one can hold a candle to Mr Wight. I would imagine that his son has had to walk in his father’s shadow for most of his life. That is the problem of being the child of a famous parent.


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