Goodbye Old Friend

Today is a sad day. I had to take my pal Deefer on a final visit to the vets. Diagnosed with Lymphoma just before Christmas we knew that he had a limited time with us and sadly it was time to say goodbye.

2016 Deefer_0001

A puppy not that old. Did I say he shared the same birth date as me 28th October.

2016 Deefer_0002

A young dog….and below, probably one of my best photographs of Deefer

dog-on-beach1 6775619729

In later years I started calling him the “Grumpy Old Man” but he was never that. He was my friend and he did like posing.

I am Not Amused

Two of the last photographs I took of Deefer, both in Black and White


Goodbye Old Friend.

Old Timer

48 replies to “Goodbye Old Friend

  1. So sad, I know how you must be feeling, we have been through this time ourselves so often in the past. Take solace from the many brilliant moments you had together and enjoy those memories.

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  2. It’s never easy saying goodbye to a friend, we had to say goodbye to our Jack Russell last year, dementia and heart failure and we have said no more as it breaks our heart every time we have to say goodbye. So sorry Mike, I’m sure he had a good life with you.

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  3. Aah gee, Mike. I am so sorry that Deefer is no longer with you. Made me cry and I only knew him through your photographs. He was a wonderful companion and I hope that your memories of him will sustain you in your time of grief. The black and white photos are my favorites. He really was a good looking dog.

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    1. He started to go downhill fast Yvonne. Night before last, during the evening, he struggled to get his breath, he kept waking up from a sleep fighting to breathe. During the night he was worse and just couldn’t settle. In the morning I took him out and he didn’t want to walk and he had hardly touched his food. Then he was struggling to breathe again. I rang our vet at lunchtime. Give him his due he said he was available to come to the house or I could go to him. I feel guilty but I couldn’t let him suffer and he went so peacefully because the vet gave him a sedative first.

      I’ll miss him, he’s been part of the family for so long, I’ll never forget my friend and I’ve got the photographs. In some ways I’m glad I decided to take those black and white ones. But looking back when I see the ones of Deefer as a puppy and a young dog I know I did the right thing.

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      1. Of course you did the right thing, Mike. It was the best way. All those photos are really excellent and Deefer as a puppy shows his beauty and a very sweet dog. I hope you’ll get another dog to love- in time. Not one to replace Deefer but one that needs a home. A dog that needs you and one that you need for companionship and to pamper and love.

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