They Are Going To Get Wet

I don’t know if it’s because we are an island nation but we British do love the water. Get a nice hot sunny day and people will go for a paddle at the beach. The really brave will go swimming, even if the water is cold. Watersports abound. I have lost count of the number of people I have seen using the rushing white waters of our Snowdonia Rivers. Not so far from me is a Surf Centre. An artificial lake with a giant wave machine were people can go surfing. We like our water.

Just last weekend the Royal National Lifeboat Association (RNLI) held a charity event in Rhyl Harbour. Build your own raft and race it against others around the harbour. And for added fun do it against an incoming tide which rushes into the harbour at Rhyl.

Build Your Raft

With dark, ominous clouds some of the contestants get started in building their rafts. Nothing fancy here, Some barrels, tie pallets to them and you’ve got yourself a raft. Not the most stable of platforms.

Meanwhile, the RNLB Lil Cunningham enters Rhyl Harbour and will tie up against the jetty.

Bridge Up

During the time RNLB Lil Cunningham was tied up children were invited to “come on board and have a look around”


Whilst we were waiting for the races to start a water version of Gladiators was fought in the harbour.


Soon it was time for the first race to start. Launch from the slipway, paddle to the bridge, go around the bridge support and then paddle back to the slipway. I was standing on the slipway when I took the photograph of RNLB Lil Cunningham entering the harbour. It doesn’t look far to paddle there and back but against an incoming tide it was going to be hard work getting to the bridge.

They're Off

The crowds were really out in force by now, lining the harbour wall, both sides, standing on the bridge as well.. And soon they were off, at this point organised chaos comes to mind.

Paddle Paddle

But it soon settled down and this is where “the ringers” came to the fore. Remember I said right at the beginning, turn up, build your raft and  how unsteady they looked. Seems like some built their rafts in secret. This is a craft of beauty. It looked very stable in the water and they seemed to be powering along. Of course once they get around the bridge you’ve got the advantage of going with the current as the tide comes in.

Working Hard

Another one. I think this was the RNLI’s entry.

Keep Paddling

For safety’s sake the RNLI inshore craft were on hand to help any team that got in difficulties.

Around The Bend

Meanwhile RNLB Lil Cunningham had moved out into the centre of the harbour and to help the crews along and add to the fun. They were using the hose to provide a little water borne encouragement to the contestants.

RNLB Lil Cunningham

Well that’s it for this week. As you can see my element was water, here’s a few bloggers, who have written about  this weeks challenge and I have liked.

Elemental – Jodie Pages Waterfalls
Gwyncurbygodwin’s Blog BUTTERFLIES
O’Neill Photography & Design Misty Morning Surf
This is Another Story Exploring the Elements
New Goal – The Unkempt Wife
Sue’s words and pictures No fire!
Weekly Photo Challenge – Elemental – Julie Powell – Photographer & Graphic Artist
Fueled by Chocolate The Elemental Muskrat – Reshaping the Banks of Their Watery World
Seek the Colors of the Harvest – From Hiding to Blogging
Funky Weather – tybeetabby

11 replies to “They Are Going To Get Wet

  1. Sorry Mike, I missed this one but, I never delete blogs that I comment on and when scrolling down my email I found this one. The photos are all so good and I can clearly see people’s faces who are on the rafts. I did see one raft where the rafters did not seem to be wearing life vests but maybe they were under their shirts. It looked to be a well organized event and there were all the proper precautions in place with the water rescue boat readily available. I keep thinking that you had a vantage point or were using a telephoto lens. At any rate the pics are all so good and I think a good time was had by all.

    Liked by 1 person

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