A Little Bit Of Everything

A mixture of photographs can be a great way to add visual interest to a blog post. By combining different types of photographs, chosen carefully, the photographs can add visual interest and break up the text in a post. Those same photographs can help to illustrate points and make a blog post more engaging.

Fujifilm FinePix S9600 ISO 400 10.8 mm ƒ / 4.0 0.8 sec

When I choose photographs for a blog post, I usually have an idea of what I’m going to write and what photographs to use. Sometimes I really have no thought of what I’m going to write about, but something usually comes to mind when I’m walking the dog.

As far as I can remember all of the photographs on Say It With A Camera were taken by me. Just so we are clear about this;

All of my photographs are protected by copyright law, just like any other type of creative work. This means that I own the copyright to my blog photographs and have the exclusive right to use them.

If you want to use my photographs on your blog, or anywhere else for that matter, you need to get my permission. To avoid infringing my copyright find yourself a stock photo website, there’s plenty of them out there. Just be sure to read the terms of use before downloading any photos, as some websites require you to give credit to the photographer.

Although I have a theme in mind when I start a post, I often let the photographs dictate what I’m going to say. With a mixed bag of photographs like this, it becomes more difficult, but I usually get something down. This little robin came and sat beside me when I was sitting on a rock eating an energy bar on the way back down from Cwm Idwal

Olympus E-M1MarkII ISO 400 258 mm ƒ / 6.5 1/250 sec

Maybe it was after some of the nuts or seeds. I’d love to say it came back with an offering of it’s own but this is a totally different bird.

Olympus E-M1MarkII ISO 250 300 mm ƒ / 6.7 1/250 sec

In the main, I don’t do big long paragraphs, I tend to break up anything I have to say into shorter manageable chunks. This helps to make it more readable and engaging. Besides which, the aim of Say It With A camera is to let the photographs do the talking.

In the photograph below I was trying to show how desolate Denbigh Moor can be. I think it does this quite well, but in a recent club competition the judge thought there was “too much open or dead space to the right of the tree.

Pentax Pentax K-30 ISO 100 10 mm ƒ / 11 1/50 sec

Now this is where I need your help. As you can see I have captioned nearly all of the photographs with the camera settings. But Google and SEO specialists say the caption should be more descriptive. i.e. lone tree on a desolate moor

What do you think, camera settings or description of the photograph?

4 replies to “A Little Bit Of Everything

  1. Hi Mike. Nice photos. (I didn’t think there was too much space to the right of the tree, but each to their opinion – even if they’re wrong! 😉) Personally (as a non-techie photographer) I’m not interested in ISO’s or f stops etc. I’d much rather know either where it was taken or see a clever title to the image. And, even if I was a techie, knowing the ISO or whatever on your photo (even if I could remember it), is not going to help me, e.g. if I get a robin sitting on a branch, as the conditions are likely to be different. Hope that helps.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I enjoyed the variety in this post, and your short descriptions. I disagree with the judge about Denbigh Moor; you got it just right. I generally don’t pay attention to camera settings.

    Liked by 1 person

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