Weekly Photo Challenge: Horizon

Living by the coast I get to see the horizon nearly every day. Nowadays though, its not a flat line….it’s broken up by all the windmills that have sprung up out to sea.


I know a lot of people don’t like them but personally, I don’t mind. Not from any environmental point of view. It’s just that they break up that boring skyline.

I’m stuck for words tonight. Normally I would try to find a nice lead in to this quote by – W. Eugene Smith but it’s just not there. So here’s the quote which I found quite prophetic.

Never have I found the limits of the photographic potential. Every horizon, upon being reached, reveals another beckoning in the distance. Always, I am on the threshold.

Which brings me nicely to the next photograph.

Which Way

I was out on the lonely Derbyshire moors looking for photo opportunities and came to this junction in the road. The Black and White road sign just seemed to be right for this little part of the world. I included the road stretching away to the horizon for added interest, otherwise the sign would have been out of context.


12 replies to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Horizon

  1. Hiyah Mike. Just come in from the bowling. Firstly…..Happy Birthday Mike. I know you once told me you’d stop counting them but Happy Birthday from me all the same. I like the perspective your 2nd shot gives and the signpost giving scale and foreground interest. I’m all for Windmills out at sea. Better than spoiling a view…I say that as, a flat horizon never seemed to me to be a view at all…….
    Cheers and enjoy the rest of your days…..only 25 mins left now…


  2. First pic looks bleak. Second photo I like very much. The barren moors has a certain feel that I can not put into words. And I like the large signs which can be read with ease.


  3. Both are wonderful Mike. I agree the wind turbines add to the landscape but think after a while they’d start to bug me 🙂 Love the second shot.


  4. I think it’s all down to position Terri. Some of the ones I have seen inland have been on the bleak open moors, but others are very close to “areas of outstanding beauty” and I really don’t like that….but hey oh, each to their own


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