On The Beach

I used to like walking on the beach, I still do, but I probably don’t take as many photographs as I used to. The beach at Weston and Uphill was particularly good for finding things washed up on the beach. Weird shaped tree trunks were my favourite to photograph. But for some reason you don’t often see large objects being washed up at Prestatyn or Talacre.

This Old Tree

Photography is not cute cats, nor nudes, motherhood or arrangements of manufactured products. Under no circumstances it is anything ever anywhere near a beach. – Walker Evans – American Photography, 1984

Probably the weirdest thing I have seen washed up is the wooden headboard from a bed….and what always amazed me, anything washed up seemed to land in the same area of the beach.

Bed On The Beach

It’s a short one this week but as usual here’s what others are saying about this weeks challenge.

A Sense of Wonder
Transient – justbluedutch Free Bird
Sexy Robot – Nes Felicio Photography
Isabel Caves Beautiful Autumn V- Coloured Leaves
Eiwawar City of darkness
Getting the Picture Weekly Photo Challenge – Transient
Penne 4 Your Thoughts Transient- Life in Klaserie
kochiphotography Weekend specials
GrannyMoon’s Morning Feast Fairies and Witches and Aliens (Oh My!)
Gina Ladinsky Weekly Photo Challenge- Transient – White Rose for a Green Frog

14 replies to “On The Beach

      1. You’re welcome Mike.
        It does make you wonder sometimes, the things you find on a beach – many things of course get washed off boats etc, but a headboard, that’s definitely a first for me!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Love the pictures Mike. With regard to why things wash up or not it’s always fascinated me. When I lived in Shetland there was a beach called Woodwick that I used to trek out to from time to time. Everything that floated past the west coast of Shetland seemed to land there. The beach itself was probably about 5 feet or more under piles of driftwood, bottles, lost net floats from trawlers etc. In addition there was often plenty of dead and decaying sea life, whales, seals and the like, so sometimes the visit wasn’t always pleasant.

    The local farmer used to ride down to the beach every so often to collect the net floats and weights, which he would throw into a large net and haul behind his quad back to the farm. Every so often he would take a load down to Lerwick to sell them back to the trawlermen.


    1. Thanks for commenting Jim. The only thing that gets really washed up on Prestatyn is Jellyfish. Loads of them during certain months of the year. You can walk, or should I say hop between the mounds of jelly. And if they tide doesn’t take them away they stink.


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